The past couple of months have flown by with lots of great activities. Malisa and Alex, from the Grouper classroom, interviewed students about their thoughts on FCAT Testing, Open House preparation, and the Book Fair....and Mindy was the photographer (Natalia's dad contributed the photos from the Dolphin Research Center - thank you).
Brody, from the Conch's classroom, liked the Book Fair and thought the books were fun.
Gili, from the Green Iguana classroom, thought the books at the Book Fair were awesome.
Dean, from the Mahi's classroom, thought the FCAT tests were easy. He also liked the Book Fair and Open House.
George, from the Grouper's classroom, liked the variety of good books at the Book Fair. He also thought the FCAT was easy.
Emerson, from the Reef Gecko's classroom, thought the Book Fair was a good fund raiser. He thought it was challenging teaching the same thing at the Open Houses.
The 3rd through 5th year students went to the Dolphin Research Center on Ocean Celebration Day, and they had lots of fun.
Iain, from the Reef Gecko's, liked it because he got to learn about dolphins and see their show.
Soyer, from the Conch classroom, loved it and thought it was great time.
Isabella, from the Grouper's had lots of fun with friends and learning about dolphins.
The Lower Elementary celebrated Earth Day with their 2nd annual Recycle Fashion Show. It was a huge success!
Echo, from the Blue Tang classroom, like it a lot.
Gentorrius, also from the Tang's, said it was really great and that they did a good job.
Isaac, from the Iguana classroom, liked it because the costumes were awesome.
Jack, from the Mahi classroom, liked the costumes.
Roger, from the Grouper's, thought it was really cool, especially Brody's because he was dressed like a robot.
Please enjoy the pictures below that include Open House presentations, visits from the Montessori Children's School, preparation for Gala projects, Lower Elementary lunch time, Pre-adolescent class time, and the Dolphin Research Center.